“The worst days of those who enjoy what they do, are better than the best days of those who don’t” 

E.James Rohn

Career Coaching is offered individually and focuses on the realms related to:

  • Career: starting a new career, find the most suitable job and career transition
  • Job: clarify job issues, promotions, job search strategies and life/work balance

In any of the aforementioned cases, the methodology includes the following four actions:

  1. Determine the personal destination – “I want to”
  2. Increase self awareness and realize the present state – “Who I am and Where I am”
  3. Unfold and extend options and possibilities – “What options best fit my uniqueness”
  4. Choose the strategy to reach my desired state – “Which way gives back the best return on effort”

In Career Coaching, the client’s age is a critical factor, able to change some of the process elements like time, intermediate targets and coaching form. Different ages reflect different levels in self awareness, experience and skills as well as different range in options and alternatives. Nowadays mobility is also emerging to a critical success factor.

Career Coaching lasts three months.