The Life Values Index is designed to measure 45 life factors: 6 mental clarity factors, 12 emotional bias factors, 25 soft skills and 2 stress factors.

The Scorecard allows a comprehensive conversation about a person’s life external values (World View), as well as their internal values (Self View), in great detail – covering both mental and emotional factors.

In the World View, the profile results measure how well a person relates to others; to social, economic and professional norms; and to systems and authority figures.

The Self View reflects how well a person understands his or her own strengths, weaknesses and level of self-esteem/self-confidence; how well he or she identifies with (and enjoys) life roles; and how clear and optimistic he or she is about future goals.

This assessment is designed to highlight strengths, as well as “blind spots”, or emotional conditioning barriers, that may be preventing a person from achieving professional success and personal happiness. It shows how people have been conditioned over time. This information is often a critical stepping stone for each individual to know. It helps to choose and implement goals, to develop and utilize in the best possible way a person’s potential.

The assessment also reflects how much stress a person is feeling, how well he or she copes with it, what kind of decisions he or she makes, and whether he or she may be accident-prone.
