We are thrilled to introduce the dialogue that will change the dialogue of a leader’s reality: It is Yours!
The concept of leadership and the practices that allow individuals to become successful leaders are part of the international agenda, since leaders worldwide and their paradigm, impact severely the lives of many individuals.
The game of leadership is based on a constant interaction between the inner and outer world which attempts to shape leadership skills, behaviors and actions. However, the rules of this game are not universally agreed and accepted. As an example consider the mere definition of leadership and the various nuances of the concept.
Thus, if ambiguity is instilled in the definition and understanding of leadership, how come and we are affirmative of practices and techniques, of successful habits and bad behaviors of a good leader? And if indeed, we are capable of identifying and outlining these practices and behaviors, shouldn’t we consider that they rarely work in linear relationship with objectives and outcomes? Considering all that, a context of turbulence and crisis may distort the reality we would like to think of, in assessing and predicting leadership behavior. That may further explain why plans do not work, and why the desired reality is so distant from the actual.
Our experience, based on thousands of hours of interaction with leaders, have led us to acknowledge that there is a need to clarify misconceptions, and discuss what is not spoken as a truth in leadership.
In these leadership series we will analyze various leadership phases and paradoxes, we will elevate potential and discuss the challenges and the opportunities that come along with it, and we will explore the conflict of the inner and the outer world. We will differentiate between the measurable, quantifiable and tangible aspects of leadership and the non-measurable, qualitative and the intangible aspects, so that we can answer to challenges of leadership dynamics using the right strategies.
Our interdisciplinary approach based on the Science of Value, Neuroscience, Psychology and the Art of Influence, will allow us to acquire a multivariate perspective. Participants are expected to synthesize their personal leadership canvas, with an emphasis on the preferred leadership style and the set of leadership qualities towards the path to leadership development.
The main resource of every leader in exercising leadership, is himself. Which are, however, the stages of leadership development so that the self of the leader enriches his role? What is required in each of these stages? How and in which areas can we identify self-deception, and how risky is it when exercising leadership? How can it be measured or improved and to which extent? All these questions will be addressed in this short session of Leading with Significance, and key areas to discuss are the ways to improve company’s culture, results and employees’ engagement, the ways that leaders grow, and the steps towards significance and how these steps are linked to the meaning they get towards stakeholders, clients and employees.
While engagement is part of any leadership agenda, ironically 87% of employees worldwide are disengaged. Engagement as a concept and process is often unnoticed by executives and the focus is on its impact on numbers and the work experience rather than the people. A concept which is hard to define, hard to understand, hard to convey as a message and even harder to measure. Our approach is focusing on an internal dialogue of “Engaging with your engagement” and the question to ask then is “How can we bring the whole person to work and not just the employee?”
While pursuing the archetypal model of a superhero in the attempt to become a leader, many leaders find it hard to transform into a model that goes beyond the best performance. So, moving forward to discover your authentic leadership through positive experiences and crucibles, becomes challenging and often hard to assign meaning. Without a real sense of purpose leadership becomes a disenchantment and does not allow individuals to reveal their personal truth, which has always been working them during their leadership development path. Leading with purpose is the essence of leading with passion and what distinguishes an authentic leader from a superhero. So, how can we reveal our character-based leadership instead of our charismatic leadership? Apply here: Assign Meaning to What is Left – 22/04/20 @16:00 – WEBINAR
When do Values create Value? While personal and corporate values are vital signs of leadership, these are often questioned, challenged and doubted by leaders. The extent to which values are universal truths in the organization that guide strategic initiative to help us reach our vision, becomes a reality that leaders must reconsider. So how easy is to deconstruct not just not just the business but also our personal truth and co-create with all people, a new reality that will allow the organization to achieve its mission and vision? How can leaders find out what they need to include and what they should leave behind in this new reality?

Towards the path of leadership development, the leadership canvas will help a leader pull everything together, incorporate new aspects of the unknown, and find ways in adjusting to reality and face the challenges of the new truths. The objective is to have a compass that will guide any leader in the journey towards authentic leadership.